
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Spruce Up Your Patio - D.I.Y.

Hello Everyone,

I was paging through magazines the past weekend to get a bit of inspiration to re-decorate our patio. I found the perfect project for our family to do together! Wooden Pallets will be transformed into beautiful, useful furniture! Inexpensive and so easy to do! A project that we all can work on. Of course, the technical stuff will not be attempted by me, I leave that to my husband and daughter. Yes, can you believe it, a teen girl that's actually quite a handy man, or is it a handy girl?

I found quite a bit of useful ideas with wooden pallets and could not really decide what I want to do with ours. But, we all agreed to make a rustic-looking coffee table like the one in my picture here.

Cover old cushion inners with bright new tea towels to match your theme!!

Go to my HOME AND DECOR PAGE to see all the useful ideas with Wooden Pallets!


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