
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Body, Mind and Soul


We are of no value to our family and company if we are frazzled, depressed, sick or just plain burnt-out! So it’s vital that we take care of both our physical and mental health.

To be productive at work, we need to get enough rest, eat right and regularly, exercise and most of all do the things that make us happy: Whether it’s going for long walks or spending quality time with our family.

The Body and Wellness
By Donna McCullum – The Fairy Godmother’s Guide to getting what you want.

The body is a brilliant, complex system of muscles, nerves, blood, organs and cells. Any system has inputs and outputs. The body system runs on three energy inputs and the resulting output when correctly functioning, is a self-regulating, self-healing body in a state of health and wellness.

The inputs are obvious:

The quality of the inputs determines the output of health and wellness the body is able to produce over time. The body is the foundational platform for a human being, because it is the vehicle housing the mind and soul. Without the body, the mind ceases to exist, and when the body is ill, the mind finds it difficult to function properly.

When the body is in health and wellness, it can align with the other systems in the being.

I hope this will inspire you to take care of yourself!

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